Saturday, January 29, 2011

Somebody Didn't Get the Memo...

Here's the article.

Newsflash, Congressman Moran, this is getting to be old hat. However, rest assured that this rhetoric is succeeding in marginalizing the Democratic party, so feel free to keep spouting your hate. I would be remiss, however, if I failed to at least try to educate you and the rest of the remaining partisan hacks who love to wallow in this kind of intellectual pornography.

Some facts:
Let's start in 2008, Barack Obama was elected president by a small majority (though some seem to think that 52.9% is a landslide) of Americans to be the President of the United States.
Shortly before the 2008 election, Gallup published a poll that showed 85% of respondents indicated that Barack Obama's race made no difference in their opinion of him, indeed, the poll found that Mr. Obama's race was slightly a net positive, only 6% of respondents had a negative opinion of his race while 9% responded favorably to his race. Read this article.
According to Rasmussen, President Obama's approval rating remained at 50% or above until August of 2009; from that point through December of 2010, it never dipped below 46%. Here's the link.
A January, 2011 poll by Quinnipiac University stated the following: “There has been "significant progress" toward Dr. King's dream of racial equality, voters say 78 - 17 percent, including 71 - 26 percent among black voters. Race relations in the U.S. are "generally good," voters say 64 - 27 percent, including 58 - 30 percent among black voters. “ (emphasis mine). Here's the link.

So Congressman Moran and his supporters must believe one or more of the following:

  • A significant portion of those polled in 2008 were either lying or magically became racists between that time and November of 2010.
  • Millions of voters must have decided that they, in fact, were wrong when they voted for a black man in 2008 or maybe they were just drunk when they went to the polls.
  • Everyone who disapproves of the President's job performance is a racist.
  • 27% constitutes a majority.
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center, who is the most likely culprit in the “over 1,000 hate groups” comment, is a reliable and objective source.
  • And, of course, Republicans and Conservatives pander to those who hate.

How about if we reset here and look at the November elections for what they really were. The American people making a statement, namely:

  • Crushing debt, government invasion of private lives and expansion of the Nanny state are unacceptable and must stop.
  • Over burdensome regulatory policies that stifle business, and therefore, job creation is not a recipe for growth.
  • The United States cannot make the world a safer place by putting itself in a position of weakness.
  • We will not tolerate individuals who are represented by Republicans being disenfranchised by being told that they are to “get in the back seat” and they have no place having their voices heard.

In conclusion, Americans are just fine being governed by a black man; however, we are highly uncomfortable being governed by an individual who hold us and our values in matter what race they might be.

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